Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Ice Is Out!

The ice finally went out on our creek so we can start practicing our retrieving for next bird season. This is Abby.

And this is me.
I think I retrieve pretty good for a hound!


Hunting In The Swamp

I was out in the swamp looking for birds when this picture was taken.

Part Of The Pack

This is me and Argos with our cat, Digit. Sometimes I think Digit wishes he was a dog so he could be part of our pack. Actually, I think he IS part of the pack, anyway!

Swimming On A Cold Day

I have heard that some RR's don't like to swim, but I bet they don't know what they're missing.

I like swimming so much that I don't even wait for summertime- on this day I was swimming while there was still snow on the ground!


This is my RR brother, Argos. He is a Liver Nose, which means that his nose is brown instead of black. We play together all the time and have lots of fun. Argos plays rough, though, and cuts my neck up with his teeth. Argos has very intense eyes!

My Newest Handler

I have a new dog show handler!!!!! It is my big brother Matthew. Me and him are going to conformation handling classes together every week and soon we will enter a dog show together.
This is the most fun I have ever had dog showing!