We got to walk all over and see all kinds of exhibits that had to do with hunting, especially hunting dogs. We went to some seminars, too. One was on how to use decoys to hunt geese; one was on British Labrador Retrievers cause Daddy might get one of those for his next puppy; one was on using electronic collars, and I hope we never do that!
Next, we met some people who were putting on an Agility demonstration which was sponsored by my dog food company, Eukanuba. When the lady found out that me and Mommy were going to Agility classes she asked if I would be a part of her afternoon presentation. Since I really like my kibble, and I also like to do Agility, I was happy to help out.
I must have been the only Rhodesian Ridgeback at the Game Fair because sooooo many people stopped to admire me and ask us questions about Ridgebacks. One lady had a booth and she told us that she was a Photographer and she was selling copies of her book which was called "A Photographer's Journey with Sporting Dogs". She showed Mommy a copy of the book but Mommy did not buy it because it was raining really hard right then and she did not want it to get wet while we were walking around the Game Fair. The Photographer said that I was very handsome and asked Mommy if she and her husband could come and take pictures of me for her next book since Mommy told her that I am a Hunting Dog. Mommy said she could but she hasn't come yet.
Then Mommy went for a shooting lesson because she wants to be able to hit
some of the pheasants I am going to flush once it is hunting season again. She did not get to practice very much because of all the rain, but I hope she at least got some good tips to help her.
some of the pheasants I am going to flush once it is hunting season again. She did not get to practice very much because of all the rain, but I hope she at least got some good tips to help her.
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