Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week Two Recap

Here is what I found and flushed during our second week of hunting:

Hens: 15
Roosters: 12
Woodcock: 1

And not one of my hunting partners even got a single bird this week! That means that we will not be eating pheasant soup this week, either, cause we need two birds to make it and so far we still only have one.

Oh well, maybe we will have better luck next week.


  1. I found your blog through your post on another forum about hunting with RR's.

    I grew up training golden and labrador retrievers for upland and while it has been fun, I really want to try raising and trainging a dog with a dog with a different temperment.

    I have decided to adopt RR's for a variety of reasons but I can find nothing on their apptitude for hunting (other than their obvious roots).

    Your blog has been a wealth of information (albeit told through the eyes of the trainee). I was wondering if you wouldnt mind answering a few of my questions... You can email me at

    I really appreciate your time and your blog. There is really a potential for starting a RR hunting information/forum website that your experience would be essential for. Just a thought :)

  2. TRN-

    Thanks for your comments. I sent you an email.

    Elizabeth (Tchaka's Mom)
