Hi Everyone, and Welcome to my Rhodesian Ridgeback Blog! My name is Tchaka. At least, that's what I'm called. Except when Mommy is really mad at me, then she uses my full name, which is Kwetu's Tchaka Olmurani Lolowuaru. That's a real mouthful- luckily Mommy hardly ever gets mad enough at me to use it! So, mostly I am called Tchaka. That is what Mommy and Daddy named me when they brought me home from Illinois when I was 8 weeks old. The Olmurani Lolowuaru part came much later, and I will write about it in another post. This picture of me was taken when I was just 6 weeks old and still living with my canine Mommy and all of my brothers and sisters. My canine Mommy is Ch. Kwetu's Glamorus Flame. She lives with her human dad, Michael Morrone, in St. Louis. My littermate, Dixie, also lives with Michael. I was born at Michael's parents' home in Palatine, Illinois. It is a nice place and I have been back to visit my human Grandma Joan and Grandpa Frank several times.
I was born on February 6, 2009 and I went to my new home on April 3, 2009. It was my first really long trip by car- almost 10 hours if you count all the times my human Mom stopped so I could potty. I was too little to write a blog then, but now that I am bigger I am going to create a whole lot of posts so that all of my new friends can learn all about me, my entire family, and our life here on the farm.
My new home is just outside Bertha, Minnesota on a 240 acre farm, which means lots and lots of room for my new siblings and me to run around. We have a lot of fun here. Our human Mom is Elizabeth, and our human Dad is Craig. They are both retired, except for a little bit of farming, so we all get to be at home together all day long, almost every day. We do chores together and we go for long walks around the farm. We have fields and swamps and pastures and acres and acres of crops, and we even have a creek. This is a good place for dogs AND humans! My paws are getting tired so I'll stop here for now. Please check back as I will be adding to my blog as fast as I can type.
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